(012) 420-2075

African Inclusive Microscopy Network (AfInMic) [http://inmic.africa/] is an initiative under the custodianship of Microscopy Society of Southern Africa (MSSA) that is focused on:

1) Creating awareness and enabling access to microscopy techniques of all kinds on the African continent,
2) Capacity building via remote and hands-on microscopy training and upskilling on the African continent,
3) Networking of students, researchers, microscopy instruments specialists as well as public & private applied science institutes by developing, growing, and supporting sustainable regional microscopy societies in East, West, North and Southern Africa by 2030

The African Inclusive Microscopy Network (AfInMic) was established in 2018 and was initially designed to provide no-cost microscopy training and a networking platform for postgraduate students and researchers from historically disadvantaged universities in Southern Africa. In 2018, 115 postgraduate students and researchers were trained on a range of microscopy techniques and skills including light microscopy, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy, and hands-on use of imaging software for data processing. To support their research goals, they were also trained on preparing funding applications for microscopy research and exposed to potential funders.

Based on the successes and learnings from the Southern African region, the AfInMic network extended the mandate to the whole of the African continent, conducting training in collaboration with leading African microscopy researchers as well as leading microscope instrument suppliers who form part of the network. Results far exceeded expectations; within two years registrations grew exponentially, and came from 19 African countries, covering over 200 institutions across Africa. Over 2,000 postgraduate students, researchers, health professionals and microscopist have been trained by 2021.

Contact Us

Tel & Address Info

Tel: 012 420 2075

Email: admin@microscopy.co.za

University of Pretoria,
Cnr Lynwood and Roper Street, Hatfield
Pretoria, 0028, South Africa

Operation Hours:

Monday - Friday 

07h 00 - 15h 30


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