(012) 420-2075

Submissions for SPS/Thermo fischer scientific publication prize

The Thermo Fischer Scientific prize for the best paper published in an internationally recognised journal for Physical Sciences and Life Sciences is a competition hosted by MSSA as part of its conference. Delegates of MSSA2024 are invited to submit papers of which they are the author and published in an internationally recognised journal during the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2024 for adjudication.

Awarding of the prize will take place during the prestigious MSSA2024 Gala dinner hosted as part of the annual MSSA2024 conference

There are no restrictions to the amount of papers that may be submitted for adjudication. Delegates may submit PDF copies of their papers by use of the online form

Submission deadline is 30 November 2024


Submissions must be from participants residing in the Southern African region. You need not be a member of MSSA but a registered particpant of MSSA2024

Submissions for SPS/thermo fischer scientific Prize

Please complete the form and upload a pdf version of the paper you wish to submit. Proof of submission will be sent to you via email


Contact Us

Tel & Address Info

Tel: 012 420 2075

Email: admin@microscopy.co.za

University of Pretoria,
Cnr Lynwood and Roper Street, Hatfield
Pretoria, 0028, South Africa

Operation Hours:

Monday - Friday 

07h 00 - 15h 30


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